Why does my breast milk smell sour after pumping?
Various factors can impact the odour and taste of your breast milk, including the food and medications you’re taking, how and where you store your milk, and its lipase activity. High lipase in breast milk commonly causes a sour or soapy smell. The longer breast milk is stored at room temperature or in the refrigerator, the higher lipase it will have.
How do you treat high lipase levels?
There isn’t a way to reduce or treat high levels of lipase in breast milk since it’s a natural enzyme your body produces. However, you can manage the effects on the taste and odour of the milk by scalding it. Scalding your freshly expressed milk deactivates the lipase enzyme, preventing it from altering the taste. However, keep in mind that scalding milk may reduce some of its anti-infective properties and nutritional value.
How do I know if my breast milk is making my baby sick?
Pay attention to how your baby reacts to breast milk after feeding. If they seem fussy or gassy, or if they’re drawing their legs up due to tummy pain, crying, or refusing to take your breast milk, consult your paediatrician immediately.
Does freezing milk cause high lipase?
No, high-lipase activity in breast milk isn’t necessarily caused by freezing, but rather by the time it sits out before feeding. The longer high-lipase breast milk is set aside, the more likely it is to change in smell or taste. It’s best to feed your expressed breast milk as soon as possible to minimise this effect and preserve its taste.
How can you tell the difference between high-lipase milk and spoiled milk?
Signs of high lipase in breastmilk typically include a soapy or metallic taste and smell, but it is still safe for your baby to consume. Spoiled breast milk, on the other hand, has a rancid or distinctly unpleasant smell or taste that may indicate bacterial contamination. It may also look whitish or yellow in contrast to its original homogenous appearance, with clumps or unusual texture. If you’re unsure, you can always do a small taste test to distinguish between the two.